

All cables are the same – or are they?

Gramophone takes a lot of pride in delivering the highest performance systems possible. We try not to cut corners because we really believe the old adage that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.  The big news these days is HDTV and the HDMI cables that are need...

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Going Outside: my new project

This is the year, the year we make the great outdoors even greater.  We love music, and we're excited by the idea of outdoor television and movies.  Our challenge now is making the space fit you and your family. We provide all sorts of solutions and ideas for you to peruse, from our...

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Take time to listen to the music.

My wife and I recently took a trip through the heartland of American music, starting in Memphis, traveling down Highway 61 through the Mississippi Delta into New Orleans. Along the way we listened to music on Beale Street, stopped at Sun studio and Stax Records in Memph...

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Hey, What's That Grooved Black Thing?

My first memories of my love for music go way back to my early childhood, laying on the carpet in the living room for hours with headphones on and listening to some of my parents’ old-time vinyl records.  I will never forget the quirky French records my dad would pick up on his trave...

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The HDTV Experts are In

Imagine my surprise when my own brother-in-law (who bought his HDTV from us at Gramophone but chose to install it himself) asked me over to see how ‘great’ his new TV looked. Great isn’t exactly the word I’d use. Dreadful? Appalling? Now we’re getting there.  I ...

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Report on TVs from the 2008 CES show

I attend the CES convention every year in Las Vegas to get a sneak peek at the prototypes and new technology on the horizon. This year, the big story was focused on thin TVs. And I mean really thin, beginning with the Pioneer Project Kuro Concept TV. We’ve had phenomenal success with the Pione...

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