
Gramophone Client Care Plans

Ensure the and longevity of your home with our Legacy plans for home networking. 

Remote Technology Management

Welcome to your new technology experience. The complex array of high tech equipment running behind the scenes makes it all possible. Keep all of the devices and your network online and optimized with one of our Remote Technology Management Plans.

  • Tracking of ISP outage ensures that when your ISP is back online, so are you.
  • Get what you pay for from your ISP with regular interval ISP speed checks.
  • We address the ISP with any issues, so you don’t have to.
  • Don’t let your own network be the bottleneck to your high-speed Internet.
  • Save on your mobile data plan and be sure all devices have access throughout your property.
  • We will do what it takes to keep all of your
  • technology online, without interrupting your day.
  • Our technicians are alerted when devices go offline or when services hit certain thresholds.
  • When necessary, settings adjustments can be made remotely to help improve performance.
  • Remote experts have access to resolve issues through power cycling and rebooting of devices.
  • While working hard, your devices collect dust. This can affect performance if not carefully maintained.
  • Moving of furniture or adding decor can change the sound profile and require recalibration.
  • Adjustments to a room can affect video quality. Be sure you are maintaing the best quality
  • possible.
  • See how your network, devices, and remote activities are performing to keep things humming.

View all of our plans here.