

Music To Our Ears

Picture this: It’s a rainy day and you are finally able to complete your rainy day “to-do” list as you stroll from room to room around your house.  But let’s create a better image of this gloomy day, and why not picture yourself listening to that great new album you just downloadRead More

Plan, Design, Implement

Remodeling? Building a new home? After years of working with clients on their projects, building our own showrooms and remodeling at home, it’s my opinion that the most expensive mistake many people make is the money they don’t spend. Read More

Going green with Gramophone

Gramophone is a founding member of a national organization called HTSA - Home Theater Specialists of America. HTSA recently developed a Guiltless Green Home Theater. Click on this link to see a video for more information.Read More

Check out the world of LED TV

At Gramophone, we try to always have the newst technology when it's ready for "prime time". We have on display the latest in HDTV's, flat panel TV's that use LED's for backlighting. We have TV's on display from Sony, Sharp and Samsung that use LED backlights.Read More

The HDTV Experts are In

Imagine my surprise when my own brother-in-law (who bought his HDTV from us at Gramophone but chose to install it himself) asked me over to see how ‘great’ his new TV looked. Great isn’t exactly the word I’d use. Dreadful? Appalling? Now we’re getting there. Read More